Tuesday, 1 November 2011

(My) Top Ten Things

At a wedding once, one of our friends got cross with his girlfriend because she had failed to mention that there was ham on the evening buffet and by the time he’d got there it had all gone. It turns out ham (yes, ham!) is one of his top ten things ever! It led to a weekend of discussing what would feature in our Top Ten.

Inevitably some rules had to be made after lists started to appear like this: 1) my mum 2) my dad 3) ham 4) my girlfriend 5) my brother etc  and the game degenerated into Top Ten Food and Top Ten Films and even Top Ten Apples (one of our friends had 4 different types of apple in his Top Ten list of everything – make of him what you will!). Those peculiarities aside, here’s my Top Ten as of today.

1) My boys (obviously) and all the fantastic joys and privileges of being their mummy (I could have a Top Ten list of the things I love about each of them individually but for the purpose of this assume that’s all included in the top slot here)
2) My husband (he completely understands relegation to second place following the birth of our babies!)
3) My family and friends
4) Good food (I debated splitting it out and giving Crisps, Chocolate, Spare Ribs, Fajitas and Chinese Roast Duck separate entries – but then I ran out of numbers in my top ten….), especially with: 
5) Wine (yes, I do think this deserves a whole category to itself J)
6) Sunshine on my face (particularly in May, Summer and September. Actually anytime really)
7) Outdoor pursuits like horse-riding, ski-ing, scuba diving and swimming with dolphins (I should point out I have only done the last one once, whilst on holiday in New Zealand, but it was absolutely spectacular and the experience has always stayed with me)
8) Trying new things (I used to have a new years resolution that I had to try something new every year – this led to a very broad range of temporary hobbies!)
9) Holidays (anywhere!!)
10) Laughing & dancing (see what I mean about having too many things to limit to a Top Ten!)

What would your Top Ten be?

I know that as soon as I post this list I am going to think of at least 5 other things that should have featured on the list – my husband started to cheat when writing his list to fit more in. What was originally “friends” “a good night out” and “an open fire” merged into “sitting with friends in front of an open fire having a really good pint and giggles”  which only counted as one entry rather than three. It’s your own list and your own rules though so play the game however you want!

Now please excuse me while I get the little fried egg sweets back to the cupboard before my son realises they’ve gone and mummy gets relegated out of his Top Ten………..


  1. Brilliant take on the theme. I love lists (don't mind ham either!) Great to meet you via the Gallery!

  2. Thank you. Actually "lists" should have been in my Top Ten!!

    Great to meet you too x
